Junto Ministries
We are a tribe of like-minded Kingdom men united to experience God's presence & power in every area of life
Junto Tribe is for you, if...
➡️ You have a deep desire in your soul to wake up each and every day with a strong sense of purpose and meaning to engage in work that benefits the world.
➡️ You dream of loving your wife and children well and generously, and hope to create a future of hope and goodness for them.
➡️ You long for good friends-- a band of brothers-- who are willing to stand next to you and share life with you no matter what challenges you face.
➡️ You have a deep-seated hunger to carry out some special calling that, when answered, allows you to leave behind a world that is better off than when you came into it.
➡️ You pray to have the strength and endurance to take on all of life’s challenges with discipline, tenacity, and strength, and stand victorious as a lion stands over his prey.
➡️ You desire to be a man among men, a man of legacy.
The world is yawing and creaking for men of legacy - men that infiltrate, interrupt, and influence the culture, because they are image-bearers of the King they represent.
Will you be one of them?
How it Works

1. Discern your true identity
Who you are isn’t found in what you do— but in whose you are. Everything overflows from here.

2. Define your Area of Operations
Area of Operations (AO) quantifies and qualifies the domain a military unit is responsible for.

3. Deploy your life unto the Lord
Infuse every AO you have with the possibility of expressing God’s presence and power.
And No Man Walks Alone

We are a group of like-minded men, forging ahead... together.
The men of Junto Tribe are united on a journey of identity.
Instead of striving to prove ourselves, we are coming to know ourselves by following the only one who can tell us who we are.
As we discover Him (and ourselves through Him)
we are in training to become authentic men who fulfill our potential and purpose in every area of life.