Junto equips Kingdom men to reach peak performance in every area of life.
Junto wasĀ created as the solution to one man's struggle to live a life that matters.
Mike grew up consistently second-guessing himself.
He didnāt feel he measured up. Really, it didnāt seem life mattered too much.
That changed when he stumbled upon the world of strength & conditioning. This was an area in whichĀ measurable and quantifiable gains could be made. Furthermore, Mike excelled at it.

He found a staff position as the strength coach for an NCAA hockey team while in his 30s. Just a few years into the program, the team won the national championship.
As everyone celebrated in the locker room, Mike walked back to the ice.
āIām an imposter,ā he thought.
Even at the top of his game, he felt he didnāt quite fit in.
He began training elite members of the militaryā SEALS and Special Forces. Helping men at the pinnacle of physical performance seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime.
Until several of the men he trained were killed before they could even draw their weapons.
This puzzled him, for he hadā he thoughtā prepared them to execute their mission at the highest level possibleā¦
ā¦ and they never got a chance.

Approaching his early 40s, Mike pondered if there was more to āpeak performanceā than just physical strength. He considered that maybe the entire person needs to be ātrainedāā body, soul, and spirit.
In addition, as Mike noticed some of his warriors returning home from their mission(s), he realized he prepared them to perform at optimal levels on the battlefield BUT performing at a peak level as a husband, a father, an employee, and a neighbor are different environments which ALSO demand unique skills to perform at peak levels.
He integrated what he was learning into his training practices with the Special Forces and SEALS.
And, facing depression as he sorted through it all, he recognized God was seeking to capture his attention.
ItĀ isn't just warriors who need comprehensive training to reach peak performance in their area of operationsā¦

ā¦ as he sat at lunch and drank coffee with numerous menā regular men with jobs and families and other responsibilitiesā he realized we all struggle with the same issues.
1ļøā£ We need to discover who we are as men.
2ļøā£ We need to define the areas over which we have stewardship and responsibility.
3ļøā£ We need to do what we doā in each area of lifeā unto the Lord.
No man walks alone.

God has many men just like you...
The prophet Elijah despaired that he was all alone. God reminded him, "There are 7,000 faithful men just like you-- you just haven't met them yet" (1 Kings 19:18).
Like many of us, Elijah as fresh off one of his greatest victories yet ALSO felt depressed.Ā
The vision for something like Junto was already stirring in the hearts of other men.
As soon as Mike stepped out to begin the ministry, the Lord quickly brought these men together to forge the leadership core of Junto Tribe.

Yes, we are a group of like-minded men, forging ahead... together.
The men of Junto Tribe are united on a journey of identity.
Instead of striving to prove ourselves, we are coming to know ourselves by following the only one who can tell us who we are.
As we discover Him (and ourselves through Him) we are in training to become authentic men who fulfill our potential and purpose in every area of life.
Our three-step path

1. Discover your identity
Instead of looking to externals to describe who you are, look to the one who created you.

2. Define your area of operations
Get clear about your current areas of responsibility and authority.

3. Do it all unto the Lord
Experience God's presence & power in each area of your life.
1. Discover who you are, your true identity
Junto reminds men that what you do should be an overflow of who you are-- not the other way around. Seven words remind us who we each are.

I am a learning follower of Jesus. I walk with faithful men who help sharpen me in the same way "iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27:17). And, I invite others into that relationship with Christ and others who are seeking after Him.

I have unique insights, skills, and gifts that have been given to me by God. I also have the wisdom of experience. In line with Jesus' teaching, Kingdom leaders use their position to give of themselves to others.

I am a man of purpose. I stand and fight for whatās good and right in the society around us. I champion the cause of the oppressed. I solve problems. I create positive change.Ā

As He created all things and upholds all things, everything in all of creation exists for the glory of Christ. The more I learn about the world around me and how things work, the more I understand about God.

Men were born to create. In fact, I am born to create something that no one else can create in the same way I can. Whether I use a tool, a keyboard, or construct with my ideas, I make things better for others by creating.

Life is an adventure. Our "journey" is not more important than the "destination" we are ultimately going, as some people say, but the journey has been gifted to us by God to fuel the hunger He placed inside us for adventure.

Whether it is at home, at work, or in the community, we are men and we must lead. The world is looking for me to become "more manlike" rather than less like who God made us. When men lead the right way, they impart hope and inspiration.Ā
2. Define your area of operations-- the arena(s) where you "live out" your core identity
Though the categories remain consistent over time, the expression of each adjusts as our life situation changes. God desires to infuse each of these areas with His presence and power.