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Infil 2.1 | March 7-9, 2025 | Marianna, Florida

A weekend for men = discern your identity, define your area of operations, deploy unto the Lord

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The Details

Everything you need to know at a glance

March 7-9, 2025

Arrival = Friday, March 7, beginning at 6:30pm, with orientation and first session to begin at 8pm.

Dismissal = Sunday, March 9, after lunch (12 noon).

See full schedule below.

Event location, Stillwaters @ Blue Springs

2650 Lakeshore Drive, Marianna, Florida 32446

Accommodations include the dormitory cabins. Bring a sleeping back or linens suitable for a twin mattress.


Full price = $300 per person.

(Take advantage of early bird pricing and save.)


In addition to sleeping bag (or bed linens)... Bible, notebook, and pen. Towel and basic bathroom toiletries. Optional = shower shoes, pocket flashlight, weather-specific gear.

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Who's leading

The leaders of Junto Tribe Ministries will speak at this event

Mike Sanders

Mike Sanders has been a human performance specialist for more than 20 years. 

He believes that God created us all for a purpose and mission bigger than ourselves, and many of us only scratch the surface of the plans God has for us.

He has extensive experience and knowledge preparing and healing athletes (Division I, professional, and Olympic) and tactical athletes (Green Berets and SEALs) physically, mentally, and spiritually for and from the rigors of competition, combat, and work.  

As much as he enjoys preparing men for combat, he prefers to prepare men to live a life that reaches their God-given potential.

Jim Marion

The United States Air Force moved Jim and his family to the panhandle in 2017 and God quickly told him to plant roots and call Niceville home for good. He has been an airman, special operations pilot, life group leader, student ministry volunteer, loyal friend, loving father, devoted husband... but, most importantly, he is a Child of God.

He loves nothing more than to spend time with his super hot wife, Sarah, and beautiful children Maddie, Libby, James and Lila.

After retiring from 20 years of active service in the Air Force, he still dabbles in the aviation game to make a living, but his true passion is to help men realize their life calling in Christ Jesus. His life verse is Isaiah 6:8 and his mission is to build a community of men who will encourage each other to answer God’s call and say, “Here am I. Send me!”

Keith Pace

Keith has spent 25 years in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industry in various roles-- from the corporate office, to training, and to sales and management.

He currently serves cancer patients in the role of Executive Oncology Specialist and travels to Cancer centers throughout Florida and Alabama.

Keith’s passion is to grow in his identity as a son of God, and help others do the same. His passion for discipleship led him to start a Saturday Bible study for youth and young adults called Firestarters.

He helps young believers discover their true identity as sons and daughters of God, and loves to see them grow deep roots in Christ and become disciple makers themselves.

Justin "Lemur" LeMire

“Lemur” started his military career flying in the Air Force here in the panhandle and after 24+ years. His final duty station was in Niceville at Eglin AFB. He continues to serve the men and women in uniform as a Systems Engineer in the software development arena.

He is a student of leadership and has a certification from John Maxwell leadership foundation. His passion is growing and mentoring young leaders to understand what it means to be a “servant leader” just as Jesus did. He and his lovely wife Allison, have been married for almost 28 year, have three children, and will quickly be empty nesters in the fall of 2024.

Ken Nielsen

Spending a career in the military, and over 14 years in the Army’s Special Forces community, Ken's journey landed him in the panhandle of Florida in 2015. Ken identified quickly the value and need for discipleship and investing in others.

He has been on Associate Staff with the Navigators for nearly a decade and is an active leader in their local church, facilitating both Lifegroups and mentorship of Senior High Youth.

Ken met his beautiful wife Amanda while in college at Cedarville University and the rest is history. Together they have four children: Katherine, Kenny, Koleman, and Konner. They spend the majority of their time forcefully advancing God’s Kingdom and logistically planning out which kid needs to be to what activity and when. 

Austin Phillips

A Florida man through and through, Austin was raised in the panhandle, briefly escaped for school learning, and was sucked back to his hometown in 2019. He quickly found Junto Tribe, fell in love with the disciplined and concerted effort to improve men under the framework Jesus Himself laid out.

After an initial run through the curriculum, Austin integrated himself into the Tribe largely against their will. Austin enjoys exploring the world, both foreign and domestic, with his trusty companions, Ashleigh (his gorgeous girlfriend), and Penny (his goofy dog). He is a scholar of the explosive arts, tinkers with motorcycles, designs and sells brass knuckles, all while bringing down the average "years of experience," yet increasing the average hair follicle count of the team.

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What we'll learn...

We'll focus on the following core concepts

Discerning your true identity

Your identity isn’t found in what you do— but in whose you are.

If you don’t affirm the identity the Father gives you— as a beloved son (Matthew 3:17), you’ll seek to attain that identity through awards, applause, affirmation, accolades, or other externals.

Once you settle the identity question, however, you can pursue those causes as an overflow of your identity rather than a means to create one.

Defining your Area of Operations

In the military, an AO (Area of Operations) is the acronym used to quantify and qualify the area the unit is responsible for.

In the same way, all men have an AO we’re responsible for, just as Paul had (2 Corinthians 10:13f.).

The world, your work, your community, and your family need you to take authority over your unique AO.

Deploy unto the Lord

The word worship in Hebrew (avodah) means to serve or work. To the Hebrew man— like Jesus— the work a man did on Thursday was as much an act of honor to God as anything he did on Sunday.

Whatever you to, do to the glory of God, we’re taught (Colossians 3:17).

Rather than seeing a distinction between sacred and secular, infuse every AO with the possibility of expressing God’s presence and power.

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We are a group of like-minded men, forging ahead... together.

The men of Junto Tribe are united on a journey of identity.

Instead of striving to prove ourselves, we are coming to know ourselves by following the only one who can tell us who we are.

As we discover Him (and ourselves through Him)
we are in training to become authentic men who fulfill our potential and purpose in every area of life.

Infil Schedule

Schedule subject to change

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"Ground zero" for the Junto weekend Infil 

Stillwaters at Blue Springs is our host. 2650 Lakeshore Drive, Marianna, Florida 43446

Common Questions about the Junto weekend

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The Junto Tribe weekend is designed to empower you to...

✅ Discern your true identity 

âś… Define your unique area of operations

âś… Do it all as unto the Lord

... and, you'll have a band of brothers behind you.

Signup today!
  • Access to all main sessions 
  • All group activities included
  • Food (3 meals Saturday + 2 meals Sunday)
  • Lodging (bring a sleeping back or linens to fit on a twin mattress in the dorm cabins)
  • Buy tickets in quantity