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Being mindful

area of operations execution identity team = mike May 27, 2024

A Navy seal returned from a mission and cried in the office. He thought, when leaving, that he wouldn’t ever return.

He learned, after he did, that some healing and some wholeness can only be found in the silence.


Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still and know [He] is God.”

We don’t do much BEING STILL or much BEING QUIET any more.

We’re not mindful.


Think about it…

πŸ“±The first thing many of us touch in the morning is a mobile phone

🚽 Most of us don’t even go to the toilet without something to do

🚦We even check our phones at stop signs and traffic lights.

We’ve lost the ability to be mindful.


Yet the Bible tells us to be transformed (read: changed for the good) by the renewing of our minds (see Romans 12:1-2).

And that requires being still.

And being quiet.

And allowing the Lord to heal the hurts of the past (even the recent ones), as well as plant new ideas and insights for the future.