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Every Man is a Leader

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams -

In the final installment of the "Seek Adapt Endure" Archetype series, Mike and Jim break down the biblical calling for men to be leaders. Our families, work places and communities are desperate for men to lead well. In a culture that tells us to be meek, mild, and quiet…Jesus tells us to be bold for his kingdom. We break down the concept of “servant leadership” that centers around team success. Follow us on a journey to dissect good and bad leadership trends that ultimately must point back to the only truly authentic man, Jesus Christ.

Here’s what to listen for:

- Good leaders focus on service others

- The primary goal is the success of the team, not the individual - Good leaders eat last

- True leadership is marked by sacrifice for the good of the group

- Good leaders allow others to fail in the process of innovation

Consider the final point: Every man is called to lead in one way or another. 360-degree leadership means you have the ability to lead up, down, and sideways…meaning you have the ability to lead your subordinates, your leaders, and your peers. Your methods may change for each of those, but your potential for leadership is equal. As men we have to be willing to take chances and lead like Jesus did.