In the final section of the human performance talk, we get practical about stepping forward.
By implementing a few tactics each day, we can step into a compounding effect that multiplies our...
The gains— in any area of human performance— are found in the grind of the daily work. However, apart from a purpose, this process seems bleak and boring sometimes…
But, when we...
Your physical strength is only part of human performance.
In short bonus episode, pulled from a longer talk, Mike introduces us to the concept of human performance.
Here’s what to listen...
John Piper tells the story of Iwo Jima in his book Don’t Waste Your Life. 1,688 men died planting the flag and taking the hill.
His observation is this:
Those men were noble, and they had a...
A Navy seal returned from a mission and cried in the office. He thought, when leaving, that he wouldn’t ever return.
He learned, after he did, that some healing and some wholeness can only be...
Warriors ALWAYS plan the mission perfectly.
But they also realize nothing goes according to plan. SNAFUs occur, so contingencies kick in almost immediately.
Warriors know that.
We truly don’t know the limits of our potential.
No one thought the 4-minute mile was humanly possible until Roger Banister hit the3:59 mark (with only a fraction of a second to spare) in...
The green berets have a special motto, de oppresso liber. It’s a latin phrase, featured on their berets, patches, and some of their other gear.
It means this:
Free the oppressed.
Turns out,...
The first charge to humanity appears in Genesis 1:28 (NIV)—
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in...
We live in a culture more based in nihilism (read: obliterate everything meaningful) and narcissism (read: focus on the self) than we do the mode of the One who:
Created a world that is...
Jesus had something more in mind— when He mentioned coming so that we might have an “abundant life” (see John 10:10) than us simply getting by.
Too often, we punt the promises of...
Junto is built on a 3-step path:
- Discern your (true) identity
- Define your area of operations
- Deploy-- and do it all unto the Lord
Here's the overview...