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The force multiplier execution Aug 30, 2024

In the final section of the human performance talk, we get practical about stepping forward.

By implementing a few tactics each day, we can step into a compounding effect that multiplies our...

The power of purpose execution Aug 23, 2024

The gains— in any area of human performance— are found in the grind of the daily work. However, apart from a purpose, this process seems bleak and boring sometimes…

But, when we...

Whatever you think... identity Aug 16, 2024

“As a man thinketh, so is he…”

Turns out, it’s somewhat true. The gains we make in human performance are largely determined by our belief structure.

Total human performance execution Aug 09, 2024

Your physical strength is only part of human performance.

In short bonus episode, pulled from a longer talk, Mike introduces us to the concept of human performance.

Here’s what to listen...

I am the way, the truth, and the… identity relationships team = mike Jun 17, 2024

“I am the way, the truth, and the religion,” said no one ever.

Yet, that’s how we often interpret Jesus’ words from John 14:6.


For sure, religion isn’t a bad...

Men have given more for less execution team = mike Jun 10, 2024

John Piper tells the story of Iwo Jima in his book Don’t Waste Your Life. 1,688 men died planting the flag and taking the hill.

His observation is this:

Those men were noble, and they had a...

Three things I see about you identity team = mike Jun 03, 2024

Who are you?

Three things I know about you…


#1 = You are a child of God.

You were created by design— not default. And, He ordained the times in which you would live.



Being mindful area of operations execution identity team = mike May 27, 2024

A Navy seal returned from a mission and cried in the office. He thought, when leaving, that he wouldn’t ever return.

He learned, after he did, that some healing and some wholeness can only be...

Expect opposition execution team = mike May 20, 2024

Warriors ALWAYS plan the mission perfectly.

But they also realize nothing goes according to plan. SNAFUs occur, so contingencies kick in almost immediately.

Warriors know that.



The upper limits of your potential execution team = mike May 13, 2024

We truly don’t know the limits of our potential.

No one thought the 4-minute mile was humanly possible until Roger Banister hit the3:59 mark (with only a fraction of a second to spare) in...

Discovering your mission in life area of operations team = mike May 06, 2024

Everyone wants to reach their potential. We’re wired for it. In fact, we won’t feel satisfied until we do— until we discover “what we’re here for.”

One thinker...

Your area of operations area of operations team = mike Apr 29, 2024

Warriors each have an “area of operations,” that is, a designated piece of a bigger mission over which they’re accountable.

On the battlefront…

one soldier might run the...

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